
“Celine, I’m grateful you became the person you are! – Dominick”

Témoignage: Maria-Christina

Dear Céline, I just wanted to tell you that I'm really grateful to have you in my life.

You know, I dreamed that I had to do the training: it was so intense that I sold all my furniture, all my material assets and kept only the essential ... All that to attend your training because I believed in the depths of my being that I was going to be in the right place.

I realize that my journey to the yoga of life has given me wings, times a thousand! A big purification in my material life and as much in my being!

Now, just 4 months later, I realize that I am not disappointed! Thank you for having welcomed me and offered this chance: from my first Sunday I felt a transformation!

You're worth gold... and more than that!

– Maria-Christina Frédéric

All these tools, all these hours invested, all the suffering endured… love all of yourself and all about those people who pass through your life, because that’s what enables you to bloom and to create this marvelous magic of healing.

Without what you are. Without what you’ve gone through. You could not be who you are today. You are magnificent 🙂 You’ve brought me so much…. thank you for existing!!!!

– Noemie Boisclair

Témoignage: Karene

Yoga of Life: a school from which you emerge with a tool box powerful and solid enough to help you overcome all of life’s challenges.

The self-confidence that comes from the practice of yoga and the person that I have become, just as I was hoping, thanks to Celine, in addition to the energy that flows through my body, heart and mind, make me an excellent mechanic of my own thoughts and the boss in my own life…

– Karene Bruneau

Témoignage: Caroline

Celine is a huge inspiration for me. That’s in part due to her life’s story, her great integrity and generosity, and in part due to the happiness and gratitude she radiates. With Celine, you emerge from a yoga class into a great opening towards this magnificent life we are blessed to live. Long live Yoga of Life!

– Caroline L. Germain

Témoignage: Melanie


Celine, I’m grateful you became the person you are!

– Dominick Leblanc

A very interesting professional group helping to learn the philosophy and basic principles of yoga. A personal and warm-hearted approach offered by Celine that brings you a very pleasant experience!

– Isabelle Lemay

Témoignage: Janie

There are encounters in life that aren’t coincidence. If, one day, you come across Céline Gingras, believe me, your life will be at the point of changing for the better!

Before I knew her, I thought that being a yoga teacher simply meant conveying postures. What a spiritual world I have discovered thanks to Céline! What a beautiful adventure of personal growth I have lived thanks to her teacher training! This group didn’t just allow me to master this extraordinary discipline called yoga a bit better, but also to embark on a journey into my inner life, to know myself better, to touch my vulnerabilities, to discover my internal light and to inspire others to find their own light.

I learned to be stronger, more sure of myself. I learned compassion for others. And… oh, yes! I learned A LOT of things about yoga! Céline will remain in my life, since she is no longer just a simple yoga teacher. She has become my spiritual guide. Thanks, Céline, for having crossed my path! Namaste!

– Janie Bélanger

Témoignage: Isabelle

CELINE offers a practice centered on self-knowledge and respect for one’s own body. Her yoga changes, always at the service of the present moment. Humor and a twinkle of self-deprecation always have thier place in the practice of yoga and meditation, and Celine’s communicating laughter reminds us of that. This teacher knows how to subtly attend to us and take charge of our needs. She also offers pearls of ideas that remain stuck in our minds. A formula that makes us want to return!

Celine is, according to me, a person that has found her balance and who knows how to maintain it. She unifies rather than separates, and you’ll never feel judged. She takes us and loves us just as we are! In short, a teacher that practices all she preaches, ergo: a very credible one! She inspires courage by her living truly in accordance with her values… Thank you, Celine!

– Isabelle Pépin Girard

Témoignage: Shakil

Celine has taught me not to fight against life nor myself, but to rather accept and to surrender to Life as it is. I am becoming the Zen Master I’ve always wanted to be!

– Shakil Rafique

I instantly loved Celine’s style of teaching.

Celine is my favourite yoga teacher, and also my mentor. She is always present and ready to help me, to answer my questions. Celine has a talent to communicate both knowledge and her passion.

The school of yoga of life wears its name well, since its teachings don’t just apply in our yoga practice, but also in our daily lives! The school is a reflection of Celine’s spirit: warmhumbleprofessionaldynamic and friendly.

– Anny Legendre